Product Design

User experience design specific to leader health tourism company

Project scope

Medexaplus is one of Turkey's leading beauty, care, and concierge centers, one of the leading health tourism brands in this field. Medexaplus has been hosting its clients and patients from more than 20 countries in health tourism in Istanbul for five years and offers top quality services. They approached us with the need for a website that is accessible, understandable and multilingual for everyone.

For Medexaplus, it was especially necessary to have users from more than 20 different countries and audiences and to develop the most accurate user experience for all of them. We have done extensive research on this. We used our own focus groups from different countries and made extensive global benchmarks.

We set three main goals for the project;

1-) To have a clear, user-friendly website that is accessible to everyone on a global scale.

2-) To be able to offer design quality and experience on different smart phones and tablets (especially for the project audience).

3-) A user who visits the site is usually looking for a treatment, to provide easy access to this treatment and its details. (we have developed special shortcut components for this on the homepage)

It is a search-oriented web experience that is accessible to everyone globally, provides clear information, can only go into details when you want to go, and performs well on any screen.

Medexaplus was designed in such a way that users can choose their doctor online, schedule a preliminary interview and start the process for a physical adventure. As a result of the main goals we set while carrying out the project, it was thought openly to adapt with different integrations so that users can get quick and detailed information about the website, have an online interview flow, and physically plan their travel within the scope of tourism and treatment.

The customer can integrate the designs we have built in the component structure into the website at any time, adhering to the integrity of the experience, in this sense, we aimed to create a modular structure, because the required experience should be suitable for the integration of both digital and physical applications and, when necessary, 3rd party applications.

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We considered the point of view of someone living in Northern Europe or in the Strait of Gibraltar, seeking treatment while traveling, researching searches, usage trends, creating an understandable and accessible user flow and design for everyone from west to east. We saved health tourism from chaos.


Focus Group Tests in Wireframe stage

After developing High Fidelty Wireframe with our own methodology in an experience project with so many focus groups and prepared for different audiences, we conducted tests with potential users living in the countries we determined as the target audience, with the Five Second Test and Prototype Test method, and received feedback, thanks to this methodology.

We have made the necessary revisions for the success of the project early before we move on to the design, and a significant saving has been achieved in terms of time and budget.

From start to finish, with an end-user focus, plan both your online meeting and your trip.

Knowing the end user very well.

We know very well the behaviors, demands and tendencies of a travel tourism user. This awareness, made possible by a successful research process, shed light on which features we should add on which screens in the project. Homepage offers a hybrid experience where you can get brief information about the brand and process, schedule an online meeting with doctors or access different treatment screens with a shortcut bar.

Here are some numbers
4 months
Project scope
Focus Group
Satisfied customers
Our other projects